Mindbender and Cobra Commander, and the Joes were forced to leave in disgrace. After days of fighting, the team had nearly won the war when Serpentor was killed by Zartan. Mutt and Junkyard were part of the team that saw to the destruction of Cobra's anti-aircraft defenses, allowing the Joes' transport craft to land at Cobra's airfield. In an even bigger operation than the Springfield invasion, the Joe team entered the Cobra Island civil war on the side of Serpentor against Cobra Commander. When that invasion ended in failure the team was put on suspension for a short time before returned to active status. Some time later, Mutt and the Junkyard participated in the invasion of the Cobra controlled town of Springfield, along with nearly every active member of the Joe team. Junkyard saved Snake-Eyes and Mutt by dropping a hand grenade down a sink before it could explode.

Snake-Eyes, Mutt and Junkyard stormed the house to flush out the Cobra agent, but were met by unexpected gunfire. They were raiding a house owned by Crimson Guardsman Professor Appel. Mutt and Junkyard were later sent on a mission to a nearby neighborhood in Staten Island with a small team of Joes led by Duke. While Mutt and Junkyard were at Joe headquarters, they were part of the Pit's security detail. The Joes escaped the Cobras and returned to the coast where their freighter waited.

Mutt was furious, believing Junkyard had betrayed them to the Cobras, but as the Joes made a hasty retreat, Junkyard led the villains into a puddle of quicksand and then set off a trap that the Joes would have surely been caught in. He was happily pointing in the Joes direction and the Cobras were off into the swamp to see where the dog at come from. As the Joes stayed in hiding watching the shack, Junkyard bounded up to the Cobras. Junkyard soon picked up a scent and led the Joes to Zartan's shack where Cobra Commander, Destro and the Baroness were all hiding. Along with the Joes Torpedo and Tripwire, the pair captured Wild Weasel and Firefly and tied them to a cypress tree. Several top Cobra operatives were meeting there and the Joes were after them. Joe team was to track down Zartan's secret lair in the Florida Everglades. Mutt and Junkyard's first assignment with the G.I. They worked so well together, that Junkyard joined the Army right along with his owner. Mutt's dog, Junkyard, has been with Mutt since he was a pup. He attended Jungle Warfare Training school and later became an adviser to Special Ops school and the Security and Enforcement Committee. When he joined the Army, they saw this, too, and made Mutt a dog handler. Some say that Mutt has always worked better with animals than people.